The concept is based on the symplegades in Greek mythology, a passage with large cliff faces which tried to prevent Jason from reaching Colchis by closing in as he tried to navigate through the way. The feeling is replicated using concrete to extend the landscape into a large aggressive cliff face. The echooy space that the tectonic cliffs produce, help emphasise the sense of expectation and the sense of arrival when they break through to the other side.

Acerca de disenoentremares

Concurso de diseño para una nueva imagen del Canal de Panamá
Esta entrada fue publicada en competitions, Propuestas Entregadas. Guarda el enlace permanente.

4 respuestas a 010

  1. 07789636284 dijo:

    Love the dramatic imagery

  2. alan233 dijo:

    simply beautiful

  3. EB dijo:

    Really good image! This would really work to make memorable the crossing between the oceans!

  4. javi dijo:

    Lo de la mitología griega sobra, quién la reconoce?

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